Wednesday, April 11, 2012

half olives, mushrooms and anchovies-plus show me the colonial with the fireplace on Mayberry Lane please

Fair lady planned a night out for dinner and festivities with some dear old friends from college tonight.

I am quite helpful around the home regarding laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping and repairs, but a chef’s hat just did not come with my DNA. So, in as much as lady’s parting words were ‘save us some money and cook something’, by the time she had her left turn signal on at the corner I was speaking to a woman named Nina who knows just how to make the eggplant parmigiana, spaghetti and golden warmed garlic bread that I regularly enjoy.

Usually I pick it up, saving the tip I guess. A recently installed basketball hoop out back, good shows on TV and clowning around with a nine year old for a few hours changed that decision though.

Thirty minutes later and squarely interrupting our Pokémon session, the door bell rang. Ah yes-the pizza man of course.

Wearing a Yankee hat, as standard apparel, putting forth a confident strut and being all of 21 he strode up my steps to deliver our dinner. Glad for the intermission, I furnished him a nice tip and informed my hyper partner that it was time for a break.

I presumed the delivery man’s surname was of similar Irish heritage to me as he closely resembled an old mate of mine whose favorite holiday is St Paddy’s Day. But I didn’t figure that as I would pull out the entrée, pasta, marinara sauce and trimmings from the take-out package that his picture would be displayed for me again.

Yet there it was...on his magnetic business card…as a local Realtor.

Where business matters are concerned I’m not a big fan of the ‘get out of my way’ and let us do whatever we want to do mentality, but I certainly do admire entrepreneurial thinking and new approaches.

So cheers to you, young Mr. Pizza Realtor man…cheers to you.

© 2012 Christopher’s Views


  1. Nicely told, Christopher. I had no idea where this was going. :)

    That is indeed enterprising. Do you think you would be inclined to use his services if you decided to sell your home?

  2. What an unusual combination - a realtor with toppings!

  3. How about new diggs with that pie!

  4. I wonder if the pizza company knows he is moonlighting on their time!

    Hello Christopher! I remember you from my old blog, Sycamore Canyon. I was recently in NYC. Did you see my posts about it? It's nice to see you again. thanks for stopping by, and good for you to spend time with your son!

  5. Not bad, a young man who can turn his hand to many jobs, when times are hard.

  6. I so saw it all......quite nice......and the pizza guy...kid...I'd be mad if he was delivering my pizzas....who is he to push himself on my customers...but then again......he must be hungry for more than life......nice

  7. Anybody with such an entreprenurial spirit will do just fine - good luck to him! Nice story, Christopher. It would be interesting to know if his pizza strategy pays off, but then again if he's that good at putting himself forward, he'll also find other ways to do it.

  8. Nice story, gave me a chuckle. Note to self, pizza tonight.

  9. Gotta love the entrepreneurial spirit. And what's more fun than playing with your nine year old? Darn, but they grow up too fast!

  10. cheers!

    Enjoy your weekend!
    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >
